How We do Orthotics at Footpoint Podiatry

How We do Orthotics at Footpoint Podiatry

Podiatrists will prescribe orthotics to help treat your pain and injuries. Also in some cases to prevent injury or re-injury. If you suffer poor biomechanics or poor foot posture, orthotics are an important part of a treatment and management plan.

Orthotics can help treat and manage pain in the toes, feet, ankles, knees and lower back.

At Footpoint, we go through a series of assessments and examinations to determine the most appropriate orthotic for you.

An orthotic is custom designed to suit your foot and there are many things that we, as podiatrists, must take into consideration when designing your new orthotic device.

Specific measurements are taken as well as considerations around materials to be used to create your custom orthotic device,

What makes Footpoint Orthotics different?

They are designed based on assessments completed using A Sensor Medica treadmill that has inbuilt pressure sensors. What makes this treadmill different? The sensors allow us to investigate the highest points of pressure on the feet throughout the gait cycle. High pressure points are important to note as they relate to painful areas of the feet or where hard skin forms.

Additionally, we are able to complete computerized gait assessment using the Sensor Medica treadmill and video gait analysis which is viewed on the computer using a purpose designed software. These recordings also allow us to track your progress throughout the progression of your treatment.

Following an indepth assessment and discussion of your symptoms we do a 3D scan of the foot which is used to create your custom orthotic. The 3D scan is what allows us to create a device custom made for you and you only. If a device made for you, was based on a scan of someone else’s foot, it would be very uncomfortable for you to wear.

In addition to your orthotics, it is often necessary to include stretches, exercises and remedial therapy as part of treatment. At Footpoint we offer many additional services such as foot mobilisation therapy (FMT) and dry needling, to enhance your treatment.

It is important to discuss what is appropriate for your individual plan, with your Footpoint podiatrist.
